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Custom Dragon Sculpture


65 per unit - - Posted Oct 24, 2017

I'll sculpt you a fearsome friend out of the finest clays and materials I can find.
Having a beast with a fiery belly might be something you've always wanted. I know I have. Beasts of another world have always fascinated me in a way that couldn't be satiated.
Dragons are amazing. There is so much lore and mystery surrounding them. They are fearsome beasts that terrorized villages but they are also lucky creatures that can save the day. What kind of dragon do you want as your friend?
Would you like a protector of your desk? Maybe you crave a cute companion that's just barely hatched. I can help you adopt the dragon of your dreams.
Sizes and shapes vary to each persons desires. With each dragon you will recieve a full backstory and preferences sheet describing your little guy in great detail.
If you'd like a dragon from popular culture or olden lore let me know, I'll do the proper research to make it happen.

Training & Qualifications

I've been a sculpture and artist for many years. Dragons have always been my favorite and I have my own take on how to make them. I use mostly plumber clay but I also paint and customize my sculptures with all kinds of mixed media.

Availability & Preferences

Almost always.

Trading Preference: I’m flexible, just hit me up!

Reviews of Julia

Brooke provided package of Mystery Filled Envelope for Julia
Nov 03, 2017
Had fun putting together her mystery package. Hope she enjoys.


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Any kind of bookshelf. I've got so many books and not enough shelves. Plus I'm taking home more when I go home at Christmas.