3D printing
I have a 3d printer, and you can rent time on it to print.
Will print things for you using ABS or PLA plastics. Just bring the 3d files (.stl's from thingaverse, build your own 3d model on the computer and we'll convert it if able, etc.)
You must supply your own plastic filament. If you want to buy some of our plastic filament off of us, we'll charge $25/lb. Pickup of print job is local.
Print time and filament does not guarantee successful prints. Some models just don't work well.
If you need estimated time on the print job, send the model file and we'll see what the estimated time is.
Training & Qualifications
I have a dual head (allowing two colors) 3d printer. It has an enclosed work area to help prevent any contamination and a heated bed. Printer does both standard resolution and fine resolution. Fine takes significantly longer but print lines are much smaller.
Availability & Preferences
Please give at least 3 days notice, availability may vary.