Cooking Blog Post
Seeking someone to write a 600 - 1000-word blog post on Cooking. The written document you provide can be in draft or final form, but will be subject to review and editing regardless of the state of the document. I am very open to discussion with you regarding your approach to the topic. As an example, if you know a lot about cooking but aren’t sure whether to discuss recipes or the science behind different cooking techniques, I will exchange as many emails or phone calls as needed to assist you narrowing your article topic. Seeking both one article writers and those willing to write on a regular basis. If you have any questions regarding the brand-at-large that is MING Media, LLC. Of specific note, the intended audience of this article is men. Furthermore, we do not participate in any particular political stance or bias and will not accept any product determined to not be targeted for men or determined to be politically motivated. The payment amount will be based on the length of your work, with a 600-word article being worth 25 Simbi and progressively longer articles being worth more. Simbi value can be adjusted for unique circumstances (such as you being the second coming of Anthony Bourdain, as an example)