Help you accidentally build a shelf
I'll explain how to measure, select material, and accidentally build your shelf like a pro! You buy the materials, I'll show you how!
*No metal shelving. Wooden shelves only.*
Floating shelves, decorative shelves, there's a shelf for every need! Got kids and wanna put your valuable electronics out of reach without restricting airflow? There's a shelf for that. Cat climbing up to knock your knickknacks off the hutch? A shelf could be the right solution for you!
10 Simbi for detailed instructions via text including required materials, tools needed, and how to complete this project by yourself
25 Simbi for on-site consultation and hands-on instruction using your tools
50 Simbi for on-site consultation and hands-on instruction using my tools
Training & Qualifications
I am a man
Availability & Preferences
Varies week-to-week. Mostly business between State College and the Mifflin County area.