Hey, I'm Jennifer!
Austin TX | Member since May 2016
About Jennifer Wood Powell
When people first meet me they are generally surprised that I’m a CFO of a local chain, that I have a degree in accounting or that I’ve been working in accounting for over 10 years. Folks are far more likely to roll with the knowledge that I’m an Empowerment Coach, Transformational Life Coach and Firewalk Instructor. Maybe it’s because I do my best to meet everyone with a genuine smile, and am quick to find joy in everyday life events. Maybe it’s because I’m playful, or, who knows, maybe it’s just my nose ring! But it’s all true – my first career love was working as a consultant for small businesses to get their finances in order, and helping individuals to get in touch with their abundance, and my second career love is Awakened Joy and working as a firewalk instructor and empowerment coach, helping people break thought limiting thought patterns and step into their most empowered selves.
Four years ago I didn’t believe firewalking was possible. I thought there was some trick to it that they could do on TV. Then, one day, a dear friend told me that he had done it. I thought he was pulling my leg and didn’t believe him until he swore on our friendship that he had actually walked on fire.
My. Mind. Was. Blown.
I had no idea how limited my thinking was.
About a month later I was attending my first firewalk, not sure what in the world I was doing, but just certain that I had to be there. After the firewalk was over, and I had been across the coals more than a dozen times, we all met back in the workshop room. My teacher, HeatherAsh Amara, was finishing up the workshop and announced that she would be holding a firewalk instructor and empowerment facilitator training! It took a few years of saving and planning, and all the while attending every firewalk I could find, but I made it to that training, and am passionate about sharing the powerful, empowering and transformative practices with each of my students and clients.
That first night of firewalking I fell in love with the power of getting clear on my intentions and not letting anything, not even a bed of burning hot coals, stop me, and I am so excited to share this knowledge with you!
Jennifer Wood Powell's Services
Jennifer Wood Powell's Requests
Services Jennifer Wood Powell is looking for:
- Fun & Quirky
- Cheap & Easy
- Just for Fun
- Children's Tutoring
- Children's Activities
- Children's Lessons
- Auto Maintenance
- Pet Training
- Veterinary
- Skincare
- Nailcare
- Hair styling
- Art Lessons
- Music Lessons
- Classes & Webcasts
- Meal Delivery
- Cleaning
- Home
- Gardening
- New Age
- Adventure
- Healing Arts
- Chiropractic
- Massage
- Wellness
- Acupuncture
- Personal Training
- Pilates
- Yoga
- Fitness
- Photography
- Tailoring & Sewing
- Custom Art