Bicycle Sales and Consulting
I will... Help you make your cycling world better! Are you looking to buy or sell a bike? Does riding your bike make you feel like you are kneeing yourself in the face? How about building your next rig? I can help you out!
I will tailor this service to meet your needs whether it is consulting on your next bike, giving you information on how to sell yours, proper fittings, or just identifying what you have and how much it is worth!
I can also provide the labor on ground up custom builds and tune ups after you sell or buy! Have something different in mind? Let me know and we can see what we can work out!
Training & Qualifications
I am a trained bicycle mechanic with 6 years experience. I have bought and sold over 200 bikes on 3 different platforms, and build countless custom bikes for myself and others.
Availability & Preferences
When works for you?