Hey, I'm Jami!
Sacramento CA | Member since July 2016
About Jami Succop
Hello! My name's Jami. I'm an artist with experience in the print and design field, specializing in business stationery, invitation sets, signage, and more. I can help you create custom printables that match your specific needs, and it can all be handled via email so that I can help anyone - whether they're local or out of town!
I have worked in the print and design industry since 2007. I started out as a simple copy technician in a print shop, and worked my way up the chain until I was a manager. From there, I refined my skills, attended college, and built up a small portfolio until I was finally able to quit working for a retail establishment and go into business for myself!
Now, I'm self-employed and trying to grow my little art business. I operate from 9am to 5pm on weekdays, but I will make every effort to answer your questions on weekends too.
And if you need something from me that you don't see offered here, don't be afraid to ask about it! I'm always willing to try and tackle any project presented to me. If it happens to be something I'm unfamiliar with or unwilling to do, I'll still be the same, polite person regardless.
Did you know? You can help me grow by telling your friends about me, leaving constructive critiques in your reviews, and sharing my site on your social media feeds.
Jami Succop's Requests
Ryan received unit of $5 Business Card Designs from Jami
Lori received unit of $15 Printable Invitation Sets from Jami
Services Jami Succop is looking for:
- Cheap & Easy
- Handyman services
- Electrical
- Auto Maintenance
- Maintenance
- Petsitting
- Skincare
- Nailcare
- Learning
- Fresh Produce
- Gardening
- Cleaning
- Home
- Healing Arts
- Chiropractic
- Massage
- Physical Therapy
- Acupuncture
- Personal Training
- Tailoring & Sewing
- Interior Design
- Craftwork