Hey, I'm James!
Houston TX | Member since January 2017
About James Thornock
I have over five years of experience in pest control and I am a certified shingle applicator.
I'm currently a full time student at the University of Houston.
I'm also a full time husband who has an awesome wife 🙏🏼
I'll be graduating this May and I will be teaching history in the fall in Houston.
My passions include cooking for my wife every morning, skateboarding (I'm a novice really), being a Mormon (I faithfully attend every Sunday, and do my best to live according to the truth that I know), philosophy (I'd love to have a long conversation with you anytime), running 🏃, Pokémon go, playing games on steam, doing history, conducting interviews for historical purposes, leading two groups on Campus (young Americans for liberty, and Latter-day Saint Student Association), doing periscope, drawing, and napping.
James Thornock's Services
Natalie provided session of Ask a biologist for James
Colleen received session of Relationship advice from a husband! from James
Colleen received session of Relationship advice from a husband! from James
Jason provided session of Logic of the Electoral College for James
Rachel provided unit of Ask a homeschooler for James
Jeremiah received session of Relationship advice from a husband! from James
Kelly provided hour of Progressive Christian conversation for James
Colleen received session of Relationship advice from a husband! from James
Elam received visit of Ask a Mormon Anything from James
Services James Thornock is looking for:
- Fresh Produce
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