Individual Coaching Sessions
Individual & Follow-Up Stand-Alone Coaching Sessions
1 Hour or 90 Minute Sessions
Optimal for situational or circumstantial issues (coping strategies and triage) or when you're not quite ready for embarking on a journey of personal evolution. You can address specific challenges in your life, gaining new resources, without a full operating system upgrade.
Training & Qualifications
35 years in Business Process Re-engineering, Organizational Development, and Integral Coaching, saving hundreds of businesses and individuals millions of dollars, tripling bottom line revenues, and freeing people to be their happiest, most productive selves.
Google me, Yelp me, talk to the community. Unanimous success with every client. You deserve your most incredible life; let's go get it!
Availability & Preferences
office hours: M - F , 10:00am - 6:00pm
(exceptions for emergencies.) :-)