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Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.
Hailey is requesting

Chihuahua Shirt


35 for fulfilling my request - - Posted Mar 15, 2018

I need help making this shirt (link below) I don’t trust this website that why I don’t want to buy from it. I’m willing to pay simbi or trade services.

Reviews of Hailey

Inactive User
Inactive User left review for Hailey
Apr 16, 2018
She was kind and responsive to all my messages, though eventually had to cancel the deal.
Melissande received session of Tarot Reading from Hailey
Mar 25, 2018
Awsome like always
Melissande received session of Tarot Reading from Hailey
Mar 25, 2018
She is really nice thanks a lot
Lindsay received session of Tarot Reading from Hailey
Mar 19, 2018
A lovely and thoughtful person, a pleasure to work with. Would deal again.
Mar 03, 2018
Friendly, easy deal. Thank you!
Feb 25, 2018
Raven was amazing to work with. She drew me an adorable take on Pabu from Legend of Korra, such a dear animal to my heart. She's awesome.
Cheryle provided unit of Los Angeles Street Art for Hailey
Feb 18, 2018
Raven is a gift. Angel in the night! Enjoy! 💫
Cheryle provided unit of Hydration Facial Recipe for Hailey
Feb 14, 2018
Raven is great to work with. She is enthusiastic and friendly. Love her!
Cheryle received unit of Picture of my Chihuahua from Hailey
Feb 14, 2018
Thank you Raven! Have a beautiful sleep!


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Hailey's services

Rat care
I love when I can get someone to crack a smile, it makes me feel like I genuinely helped them.

Rat care

Crested Gecko Care
I love when I can get someone to crack a smile, it makes me feel like I genuinely helped them.

Crested Gecko Care

Anyone need a friend?
I love when I can get someone to crack a smile, it makes me feel like I genuinely helped them.

Anyone need a friend?

Hailey's requests

Hailey is requesting
I need some art inspiration.
I am looking for any ideas or places for inspiration for art projects. I have been in a horrible artist block forever now and have looked all over the place for inspiration and nothing seems to be ...

I love when I can get someone to crack a smile, it makes me feel like I genuinely helped them.
Hailey is requesting
Drawing ideas
I need to keep drawing and stay on my game. I want to become a tattoo artist and need my best work to go into my portfolio. I need ideas from other people so I know what people like to see from a ...

I love when I can get someone to crack a smile, it makes me feel like I genuinely helped them.
Hailey is requesting
1960's Maxwell house coffee can
I am looking for a 1960's maxwell house coffee can. One pound (the small one), light blue with orange lettering. I am creating a replica of Audrey 2 from little house of horrors so if you need a re...

I love when I can get someone to crack a smile, it makes me feel like I genuinely helped them.

About Hailey Bellafiore

Hey I'm Hailey To start off I rescue animals from upsetting situations. As of right now I adopted 11 dogs, 4 cats, 2 ferrets, 2 crested geckos and a blue tongued skink. They require all of my time an...d I couldn't imagine it any other way. On my free time I am an tattoo artist, painter and party girl! I love to have some fun on the weekends 😜show more

Open to other proposals
Hailey Bellafiore is looking for:
  • Just for Fun
  • Cheap & Easy
  • Fun & Quirky
  • Pet Training
  • Hair styling
  • Language Lessons
  • Music Lessons
  • Tutoring & Mentoring
  • Dietary Counselling