Organization Energy Consultation
There are a few levels of hopes I have here for how I can help you (holy crap can you say alliteration? Love a good unintentional flow 😉)
♡Level 3 - My favorite hope - is that you will reconsider the chore of organization. I might inspire an open-minded way of working your environment to your advantage, and unlock your own hidden powers. Together we would go through your house, brainstorming and moving shit around.
♤Level 2 - Maybe you like one of my suggestions and a few small changes later, that aspect of your home life seems to function that much better!
(Of course you'd let me know like a week later 😋...) Maybe you'll change the spot where you store a certain item? Maybe you'll rearrange your bathroom or just the "medicine" cabinet? Does it really have to be used for "medicine"? See where I'm going with this?
Level 1 - You will get inspired to clean that one area of your house that bugs you.
Because of my constant rebuilding process of different home after different home, my brain basically continually recognizes kinks in the flow of a habitat. I'm proficient in rearranging, rethinking, and repurposing my habitat so that it flows well, and as time goes on, my aim to make sure all my possessions and tools feel useful just keeps getting better.
I want to help you do the same.
We would need to have a conversation to gauge where your frustrations/interests lie to determine what level of need for an intervention you are feeling.
Depending on wherel you are, we can take it from there.
If your motivation is at a level 1, you're probably just generally overwhelmed and need some encouragement. It probably seems like you'll never be able to tackle all the mess in your house/life/whatever. Unfortunately I don't believe a quick reorganizational fix will really suit you I can just share what inspires me to take control (or let go) in situations like that.
If you seem to be looking for more of a level 2, you aren't very overwhelmed by your situation. In fact your system probably works really well for you but you've got a feeling that something could be improved. You're just stuck. I'll give you a unique piece of advice that may have transformed a small part of my world. You might try it and notice a likeable difference!!!
Any level 3 motivators hen do a walkthrough of your space.
Training & Qualifications
I move an average of once a year.
Last year I moved 7 times in one year so maybe my "average" is up, idk, I suck at calculations. But I am good with estimation and trial and error.
The space parameters I've worked with have usually been no larger than a 1 bedroom apartment, but when living in a full house, they shrink to the 1 bedroom itself and a very select few areas of the house that get active use. (One of my favorites is the kitchen!)
Constantly raveling and unraveling my items to maintain some form of order for functionality has made me fully aware of the struggle to stay organized, as I'm sure many of you also feel.
I'm not claiming to have the perfect will power for sticking with any ol' organization system or that I can make you more "together." I don't actually believe we will ever have it ALL together. (I am a very mutable person and inevidably systems will change because I like improving processes and very much welcome change.) I am claiming, however, to have a very great knack for finding what's available and how to use it to your advantage if you are willing to try something new.
Availability & Preferences