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Hey, I'm Ethan!

Dodge Center MN | Member since April 2017

About Ethan Weatherly



Ethan Weatherly's Services

drawing idea
I'm excited to use simbi because it gives anyone who can't afford to pay in money a chance to get and give things. it also is a way to express things and it's a free outlet. I know a lot of people ...

drawing idea

android and iOS help
I'm excited to use simbi because it gives anyone who can't afford to pay in money a chance to get and give things. it also is a way to express things and it's a free outlet. I know a lot of people ...

android and iOS help

Love advice
I'm excited to use simbi because it gives anyone who can't afford to pay in money a chance to get and give things. it also is a way to express things and it's a free outlet. I know a lot of people ...

Love advice

Fun things to do in minnesota
I'm excited to use simbi because it gives anyone who can't afford to pay in money a chance to get and give things. it also is a way to express things and it's a free outlet. I know a lot of people ...

Fun things to do in minnesota

Sketch or drawing just for you
I'm excited to use simbi because it gives anyone who can't afford to pay in money a chance to get and give things. it also is a way to express things and it's a free outlet. I know a lot of people ...

Sketch or drawing just for you

Ask me, a trans girl, anything
I'm excited to use simbi because it gives anyone who can't afford to pay in money a chance to get and give things. it also is a way to express things and it's a free outlet. I know a lot of people ...

Ask me, a trans girl, anything

Ethan Weatherly's Requests

Ethan is requesting
Romantic mystery box
I'm hoping for a mystery box for a female, she is funny, beautiful, and likes cats. I need a minimum amount of 5 items. I'm hoping for things like love poems,. kits for beauty and DIY kits. no weir...

I'm excited to use simbi because it gives anyone who can't afford to pay in money a chance to get and give things. it also is a way to express things and it's a free outlet. I know a lot of people ...
Ethan is requesting
Buy Me Pizza!
This is kinda funny, I saw this on another request talking about how they saw it on another request. buuut, I was hoping to trade services or simbi for a free pizza! favorite pizza: cheese or p...

I'm excited to use simbi because it gives anyone who can't afford to pay in money a chance to get and give things. it also is a way to express things and it's a free outlet. I know a lot of people ...


Machida received session of Ask me, a trans girl, anything from Ethan
Apr 15, 2020
Informative and very helpful!
Mar 23, 2020
Excellent experience! Detailed answer too!
Brandy provided hour of I'll 3D Print custom orders for Ethan
Jan 26, 2018
Ethan was great to work with! There were a couple of small bumps in the road on both sides of this project, but we were able to quickly work them out.... Ethan is responsive, friendly, and more
Sarah received Help with If You Could Talk to Yourself at 17 from Ethan
Nov 28, 2017
Ethan gave me a thoughtful response, thank you for sharing. :)
Inactive User
Inactive User provided session of Schrödinger's Cat Decision Maker!!! for Ethan
Nov 23, 2017
Ethan is always a pleasure to work with!
Cassandra provided session of Ask a Mom for Ethan
Sep 20, 2017
Interesting question!
Inactive User
Inactive User provided unit of Suggest new music for you for Ethan
Sep 13, 2017
New music is always nice
Brooke provided unit of Ask a 12 Year Old Boy for Ethan
Sep 07, 2017
This was fun. Ethan is easy to work with.
Inactive User
Inactive User provided session of Schrödinger's Cat Decision Maker!!! for Ethan
Sep 01, 2017
Ethan Asked and the Kitty has spoken!
Cat provided unit of Custom Lil' Magnets! for Ethan
Jul 18, 2017
Ethan was easy to work with and quick to respond! Great simbi-r!


Services Ethan Weatherly is looking for:

  • Music & Audio
  • Fun & Quirky
  • Art & Design