I teach you about rats
I will teach you all about rats! I know... Most peoples first reaction to rats is usually..."RATS?!?!?" But I can assure you there's so much more to them than the freaky horror movie side you see of them in the media! Learning about rats is great to do if you have a phobia. Push yourself! If you live locally we can even meet up and I can show you my two live pet rats Xue and Xeno. If you're not near me I'd be glad to show you how interesting these creatures are over video/text.
Training & Qualifications
I have owned rats almost all my life and have researched them very extensively. I have had a couple of ill rats too that have educated me so much! I make their food from scratch at my room with all organic ingredients and most of their toys and belongings were made all by me.
Availability & Preferences
I'm free at all hours of the day, six days a week! The only time I'm not available is Wednesdays