Hey, I'm Beth!
Herriman UT | Member since December 2016
About Beth Woodruff
I love everything about computers (except writing code, please don't ask me to write code. I can debug a little, but me and code... we have a love-hate relationship that I would rather stay away from)
I also love art, most anime, and my husband. We make a great team and we're excited to try out Simbi to see what comes of it!
I'll probably add more to this as time goes on.
Beth Woodruff's Services
MUCH received package of I'll draw you as an Anime character from Beth
Lovre received package of I'll draw you as an Anime character from Beth
Inactive User received unit of Digital High-Five from Beth
Heather received package of I'll draw you as an Anime character from Beth
Sarah received unit of Digital High-Five from Beth
Delaney received unit of Digital High-Five from Beth
Hayden received package of I'll draw you as an Anime character from Beth
Inactive User provided Help with Help with my face- Possibly Rosacea for Beth
Services Beth Woodruff is looking for:
- Cheap & Easy
- Gaming
- Just for Fun
- Maintenance
- Electrical
- Beauty
- Hair styling
- Language Lessons
- Fresh Produce
- Cooking
- Dietary Counselling
- Catering
- Food
- Cleaning
- Home
- Gardening
- Experiences
- Travel
- Massage
- Wellness
- Art & Design