Products photographie
I will photograph your products and provide you with high quality, professional images for online or print use!
Once you send me your product, I will ensure that it is photographed in the best possible scenario to truly make it stand out and to show it off in an eye-catching, professional way.
Products can be anything from jewelry, knit products, crafts, small sculptures, etc!
When you send your product, if you want it back, please include a self addressed, prepaid envelope or prepaid shipping label so I can send it back to you! Otherwise, instead of paying with Simbi, I would accept the product as payment as well! Whatever works best for you :)
Training & Qualifications
I'm a professional photographer with a new white and black box for objects that fits perfect to sell everything online or for a magazine or whatever you need the pictures for, the picture will be sent online so like this you can be uploaded it or print it.
Availability & Preferences
I'm available every day and the job is ready maximum in 2 days