Hey, I'm Derek C!
Bend OR | Member since December 2017
About Derek C Reed
Wide working knowledge in most areas of study, focused on overall satisfaction of people in their own lives.
Born and raised with computers and skill with many softwares. For instance, my display picture for this profile --I put it together in Photoshop from 8 photos capturing clouds, in and around my hometown, with my digital camera.
Recognition and knowledge of pertinent information related to foods and household materials like health and beauty products and chemicals.
Otherwise I've been trained and practice the arts of music, the body (yoga, t'ai chi, and martial arts), as well as retaining most art history and stylistic distinctions of these and the visual arts as well.
Short run goal is to use my curious mind, friendly disposition, my need to make others feel happy and appreciated, and observation of subtleties towards widening and deepening my knowledge of the world while being as low stress and high output as possible.
Life goal is out there, but achievable regardless: to play an important role in getting our economy stable: by substantially reducing energy costs through R&D, then implementation of an inherently safer form of nuclear energy plant.
But that's at least 8 years away for me.
Derek C Reed's Services
Services Derek C Reed is looking for:
- Fun & Quirky
- Cheap & Easy
- Gaming
- Ask Me Anything
- Just for Fun
- Handyman services
- Auto Maintenance
- Bike Maintenance
- IT/Support
- Pet Training
- Hair styling
- Digital Marketing
- Web/Software Development
- Digital
- Language Lessons
- Learning
- Religion
- Translation
- Classes & Webcasts
- Tutoring & Mentoring
- Writing & Editing
- Consulting & Coaching
- Legal
- Friendship/Listening
- Transport & Rideshares
- Experiences
- New Age
- Adventure