Movie watching buddy
I'm offering a service to either Skype while watching a film with you we can discuss and see which one we want to watch and that way it's kind of like watching it with somebody but in the company of your own home. Or if you want we can hit up the movie at a dollar movie theater for locals it's my treat and we can go watch the movie. And after the movie whether it's on Skype or in person we can either go and get some tea or something to drink and just chat about what we saw or just continue a Skype call for a little bit and chat about what we watched. I think it's fun to be able to have a conversation with somebody about the movie is kind of like what they thought about it you know what maybe they didn't like what they did like if they see it again all the different things and plus you can kind of feed back and forth each other thought and have a nice fun conversation with somebody.
Training & Qualifications
I love movies and watching films I'm pretty much wide open to watching just about anything.
I have my own opinions and thoughts when it comes to stuff and can't be able to have a conversation back and forth.
I like to hear what others have to say.
Availability & Preferences
It kind of depends on day today so just hit me up and we'll figure out a time that works for both of us