Hey, I'm Dave!
San Francisco CA | Member since April 2017
About Dave W
An explorer. A learner. An educator. A photographer. A curious soul. A giver. A friend.
I worked in Hollywood once upon a time before taking off to see the world and to give back. During my time abroad, I worked with NGOs and organizations from Africa to the Middle East to Asia...and it was the hospitality of the people I met that ultimately changed my perspective and broke down stereotypes. I'm extremely grateful.
I'm someone who has an endless appetite for learning. Whether it's learning a new language or dabbling in a new sport...it's kind of an addiction. At the same time, I love teaching and sharing what I've learned as well. And I find the best way to do this is by connecting and sharing with people...in a community here like simbi.
And by engaging in diverse communities, it opens up your perspective, and you might just meet someone that can change your life.
Dave W's Services
Jenn provided session of 45-60min Clarity Coaching Session for Dave
Mel received package of Pictures From Around the World from Dave
Brian provided session of 2 hour Career Coaching for Dave
KJ received Help with Ideas to improve Simbi from Dave
Carlos provided package of Reward/Reimbursement simbi for Dave
Inactive User provided session of FREE Career Coaching for Dave
Brandon provided unit of Let's be friends! for Dave
Simbi received Help with Tell us your best qualities! from Dave
Jane received Help with Join a Simbi Chapter Facebook Group from Dave
Services Dave W is looking for:
- Web/Software Development
- Video & AV
- Graphic Design
- Digital
- Language Lessons
- Learning
- Experiences
- Travel
- Adventure
- Yoga
- Photography
- Art & Design