Hey, I'm Daniel!
Navarre FL | Member since January 2017
About Daniel Pullum
I am a jack of all trades. I also have some common sense and usually able to help out friends with whatever comes up. I have four great kids ages 24,19,18,10. I started working at 14 and have done all kinds of jobs from pool building to selling organs and keyboards.After hurting my back few years ago been trying to decide on what to do next.Dealing with back pain is no fun!!But I try to keep busy. I have done lot of tile work,can finish concrete,and some electrical.Also studied Florida lawns, the problems they have and what they need to flourish.can spot insect or disease damage and know how to treat it.I spend good amount of time planting vegetables,flowers,herbs
Daniel Pullum's Services
Services Daniel Pullum is looking for:
- IT/Support
- Electrical
- Hair styling
- Learning
- Consulting & Coaching
- Legal
- Accounting & Bookkeeping
- Home
- Housesitting
- Gardening