30 Min Business Startup Consult
Looking to start a business but don't know what to do or where to start? I'll help you through the process without the hassle of having to take college courses and will work with you according to your schedule. Everyone has to start somewhere so why not here on Simbi?
Training & Qualifications
Holds two A.A.S Business Management & Technology degrees through MSU with emphasis in Business Management and Marketing.
6+ Years Experience as Office, Property & Acquisitions Manager for Multi-Million Dollar company (budgeting & money handling).
President & Founder of The Lord's Storehouse of the Ozarks Inc (aka Freedom Living Today Ministries) a non-profit organization with a vision to "Break the chains of Poverty through Jesus Christ" by teaching Financial Stewardship & Money Management techniques & principles.
2x Business Owner
Entrepreneur & Philanthropist
Over 25 years experience
Availability & Preferences
Weekday evenings & scheduled weekends