Hey, I'm Charles!
Rome NY | Member since July 2023
About Charles DiBella
As a dedicated bicycle touring enthusiast, I have been actively involved in the world of bicycle touring since 1997. Having undertaken numerous coast-to-coast tours across the United States, as well as extensive journeys through Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Eastern and Western Europe, and the United Kingdom, I continue to live and tour full time with the world as my playground. I have a wealth of knowledge and experience which serves as an invaluable source of inspiration for beginners and seasoned professionals alike.
Charles DiBella's Services
Charles DiBella's Requests
Miriam provided unit of Be Stress-Free with Reflexology for Charles
Miriam provided Help with refund for Charles
Miriam received session of Research, Writing, Proofing Pro from Charles
Services Charles DiBella is looking for:
- Transport & Rideshares
- Experiences
- Travel
- Adventure