Social Media Strategy Article
I am looking for a good article aimed at brand new bloggers, with a minimum of 1500 words. (Must address each point below.)
{Payment will be as follows: 15 simbi for 1500+ words, 20 simbi for 2000+ words, 30 simbi for 3000+ words, 40 simbi for 4000+ words}
No graphics or citations are needed.
Must be original, pre-edited and Grammarly checked.
The points in the article should address the following:
1. What is a Social Media Strategy?
2. Why you need a social media strategy as a new blogger?
3. How to set your social media goals for your blog and why they are important to keep you on track?
4. How to create engaging content that will keep your audience coming back - with the idea that you give, give, give before asking for anything from your audience.
5. What are Social Media Tribes and a few places to find them?
6. Why automation is a good tool for keeping up with your goals and then listing the top 3 automation tools and why they are a good choice. (i.e. Hootsuite, Buffer, etc.)
If you have questions, please start a conversation.