Tutoring K-5 students, all subjects
Tutor any elementary-school subject in person or online. We can do Skype calls, messaging etc if you prefer the virtual approach. This can include homework help, helping a child struggling in a specific subject, or if your student is advanced and loo king for more of a challenge.
Training & Qualifications
I am an aspiring teacher. I attended Morehead State University in Morehead, KY right out of high school. I finished all my core classes and was about to begin my student teaching (last semester before earning my Bachelors degree) when I began going through a divorce. I took (what I intended to be) a semester off to get through the divorce and have not yet finished. I am currently working on repaying some student loans so I will be eligible to return to school and finish mydegree and would love to help your students in the meantime by providing one on one support.
Availability & Preferences
I have open availability.