Professional Dater
Can't find a date to go with you to that one event that all your friends are bringing a date to?
Perhaps you just want your friends to stop teasing you over not having a date? You may even want to just have someone to turn down in front of your friends.
Well I have a solution for you! I'll be a fake interest for you lasting up to a week.
If you need it to be virtual, we can include texts, face-chats (esp if you want your family or friends to be in on it), video-game playing (as long as I have the game and the time, mostly pc), phone calls, and if the situation with your family is very bad we can set up a facebook relationship. I'll even send you some pictures of me to show me off.
Willing to customize a fake version of me to suit your personality. Something that seems like you'd be into.
Training & Qualifications
1. A gentleman never tells
2. A gentleman knows that anything worth having, is worth working hard for
3. A gentleman knows how to dance…at least a little bit
4. Every woman comes with baggage, a gentleman helps her to unpack it
5. A gentleman always RSVP’s
6. A gentleman knows the difference between confidence and arrogance
7. A gentleman is open-minded, but firm in his beliefs
8. A gentleman is proof that chivalry is not dead
9. A gentleman ruins his lovers lipstick, not her mascara – the only tears he should make her cry are that of joy
10. A gentleman never lies to a woman, unless it is to surprise her
11. A gentleman always makes the first move
12. A gentleman means what he says, and says what he means
13. For a lady, a gentleman will always offer his seat and open a door
14. A gentleman never judges
15. A gentleman is always well presented, regardless of company, situation or occasion
16. A gentleman has a firm handshake and always makes eye contact
17. For a lady, a gentleman will always offer his coat
18. A gentleman knows how to cook at least one good meal
19. Regardless of motives, a gentleman always walks a woman home
20. A gentleman always offers to pay
Availability & Preferences
Friday included, weekends work best, but can be made available.