Intuitive Oracle Card Readings.
I am an intuitive and use that to guide me as i read the cards. I believe in spreading light and guidance to help heal and grow into our full potential of who we can be. With Love and good intention i will answer your questions and help bring light your direction. Are you curious about what direction to take? I can help with questions regarding love, career, general guidance, family or whatever questions you may have in the direction of your life. I use the Energy Oracle deck by Sandra Anne Taylor and have been very pleased with the connections I recieve using this deck.
Training & Qualifications
I have always walked by faith and with the strengthening of my gifts, i want to help guide others with and through the light given within me. My direct spirit guide is the Lord and through him allows me to communicate with him and helps gain understanding and direction. I am a light in the world and hope to spread it like mustardseed.
Availability & Preferences