Yard work
I need my back yard cleared out of lots of dead grass and misc wood. Holes filled in....
I need my back yard cleared out of lots of dead grass and misc wood. Holes filled in....
I have over 20 years of study and practice in Holistic Healing modalities and spiritual living. I am an empowerment coach, female teen advocate, public speaker, certified Life Coach, author, Energy He...aling Practitioner, Yoga Instructor, a Meditation Therapy Practitioner, and I hold certifications in the areas of nutrition and Curanderismo. I have a strong connection to Earth, its inhabitants and make every effort to help others see the light through the darkness. My last name literally means light bearer or holder of the light. I know I am here to make other lives brighter and support their spiritual growth. I am a natural born empath as well as a channeler of energies. I met my twin flame using soul healing techniques and intentional living. I am honored to be blessed with this knowledge and ability to pass it on to you.show more
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