Aesthetic Flat Closure, ASK ME!!
Being a thriver after 2 occurrences, I have a PHD without the paperwork in breast cancer that is estrogen receptive. I have a knowledge of health and breast cancer in general that is alternative a bit and outside of what the medical realm preaches. I am happy to share what I know, provide some support or just maybe calm the nerves because I was terrified and blind when I was first diagnosed and I do not know a more helpless feeling. Now that I am no longer a novice, I want to share so others don't have to go through what I went through! As well, Aesthetic Flat Closure is a fairly new type of surgery, and it was scary for me to make the decision. I am so glad I didn't have reconstruction.
You feel so alone when you are first diagnosed. I'm not sure that feeling ever really completely disappears, but through my experience, I do feel more like I belong than I ever did. I always wished I could have someone to reach out to that I could ask any question to without bias. Although there are many communities, it doesn't mean there is a great fit. I am finally starting to find groups.
I'll be happy to help provide you with some knowledge, answer questions, and just kind of bring a feeling of normalcy around something that feels wretched. I think that is one of the best gifts I could give, that is what I so desperately wanted. I had my unilateral mastectomy late December 2019. So it is very recent and I am still healing and having to make health decisions.
Training & Qualifications
2 time breast cancer thriver. I don't like the word survivor because it doesn't positively describe how I am living. I am happier than I've ever been and it is due to this experience. You have to give up any pretenses and just be you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE, but you alone have to make the ultimate decision of how you want to live the rest of your life how you should be living it!
It really is better to be able to speak with and share with someone who has had experience in this realm, it is so close to the heart, no pun intended.
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