Hey, I'm Anthony!
Fayetteville TN | Member since June 2018
About Anthony Clemons
Fantasy author. Looking for custom art at a reasonable price/quality. I'm good with words, ideas, brainstorming, etc. Some graphics editing. I can provide a confidential surface to bounce ideas off of. No idea stealing, everything transparent and on the virtual table so to say. Often a fresh mind is good to go over details you yourself have poured over for far too long; enter me. I can get you through the jumble and show you something you might have overlooked. I'm willing, patient, and thoughtful; let me be your guide through the haze that comes with brainstorming. Nothing to lose.
Anthony Clemons's Services
Anthony Clemons's Requests
Aljernon received session of Beta Reader from Anthony
Services Anthony Clemons is looking for:
- Art Lessons
- Custom Art
- Art & Design
- Architectural Design