Hey, I'm Ann!
Saint Paul MN | Member since December 2016
About Ann Dolan
I love the idea of bartering and helping one another out. I have recently started hobby farming and am LOVING it! My entire backyard is now devoted to a fruit and vegetable garden. I also have a property up in Northern Minnesota, and I am learning what can be grown up there too. ... ( in case you are curious, root vegetables grow wonderfully well up there!)
Ann Dolan's Services
Ann Dolan's Requests
Maria provided Help with Looking for crochet needles for Ann
Laurie provided unit of Hand-Crochet Washcloth for Ann
David provided session of In-Depth Natal Astrology Reading for Ann
Danielle received unit of Milkweed seeds from Ann
Drew received unit of 3 bags of Sprouting Seeds from Ann
Cindi provided Help with Adjustable Bow Tie for a cat for Ann
Celeste received package of A bottle of master tonic from Ann
Jane received Help with Host a Simbi Swap Meet from Ann
Services Ann Dolan is looking for:
- Handyman services
- IT/Support
- Auto Maintenance
- Nailcare
- Classes & Webcasts
- Learning
- Cooking
- Food
- Gardening
- Experiences
- Art & Design