Hey, I'm Angel!
Boca Raton FL | Member since July 2017
About Angel Santiago
Im a programmer for my local government, and a student at Palm Beach State College studying computer engineering. My dream is to design, develop and appropriate technology to make education more individualistic, and therefore, more effective. I'm currently working with IBM’s Bluemix platform, utilizing their Watson cognitive services, to build a framework to implement natural chat interfaces into future web apps . I’m also very interested in 3D graphics on the web, leveraging WebGL.
When I'm not programming I enjoy going to skate parks and skating with friends. I also play seasonal video games and love chess.
Angel Santiago's Services
Angel Santiago's Requests
Adam provided session of 30-Min Software Development Consult for Angel
Caitlin provided unit of English editing for Angel
Stanislava received session of Lets play a game from Angel
Wesley provided hour of Web Development Consultantation for Angel
Inactive User provided unit of INNER CIRCLE SIMBI SECRETS 2nd Ed!! for Angel
Félyx provided session of Programming question/discussion for Angel
Cam provided visit of Creative Specialist/Problem Solver for Angel
Services Angel Santiago is looking for:
- Gaming
- Learning
- Experiences
- Art & Design