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Hey, I'm Andrew!
Dallas TX | Member since August 2016
About Andrew Wilkins
I have experience advising SMB's, franchises and national organizations on local marketing and effective ways to increase brand awareness. I enjoy showing business owners and marketers how to use technology with a strategic mindset.
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Andrew Wilkins's Services
Russell received unit of B2B Prospecting Consulting from Andrew
Aug 16, 2017
Andrew's insight's were priceless. He is a game-changer with a lot to offer the marketing world. Thanks for all of your advice!
Aaron left review for Andrew
Jul 20, 2017
Very sorry for not being able to complete the task. Some stuff came up and i completely forgot to check in with you.
David received session of Learn the basics of VR Photography from Andrew
Jul 15, 2017
Andrew was a great!
Smik provided hour of Web Development for Andrew
Sep 23, 2016
It was an absolute pleasure working with Andrew! Totally awesome guy, with some very interesting stories to tell. He was very clear and concise in des...cribing what he needed and answered any questions I asked with ease, which in the end contributed to a productive session. Would love to work with him again!show more
Robert received unit of B2B Prospecting Consulting from Andrew
Sep 20, 2016
Andrew gave a lot of great insights into being ready for my product launch. He also provided lots of notes from our session afterward, highly reccomen...ded!show more
Nathaniel received Help with Help with sales guide from Andrew
Aug 18, 2016
Andrew was awesome. He went above and beyond in providing a sales consultation that left me with many actionable items. I feel like I've learned a more
Dylan provided Help with Tutoring on Google Places API for Andrew
Aug 17, 2016
Great to work with. He's an intelligent and friendly guy. I would do business again with him.
Services Andrew Wilkins is looking for:
- Website Consulting
- Web/Software Development
- Digital
- Tutoring & Mentoring
- Learning
- Consulting & Coaching
- Business
- Experiences