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Andrew is requesting

yard work help


40 for fulfilling my request - - Posted Nov 19, 2016

i have an acre yard with lots of oak leaves falling now. can use some help raking them up as well as other chores to make the yard look nice.

each fifteen minutes worked is one unit for 10 simbo or 40s/hr.

Reviews of Andrew

Aug 09, 2017
Great input - thanks!
Inactive User
Inactive User received unit of deliver free plants within 15 miles from Andrew
Apr 22, 2017
Awesome guy. Great plants. Would definitely deal with him again.
Malika provided session of Quick Meal Menu Planning for Andrew
Mar 13, 2017
It was great working with Andrew! He knew what he wanted and was patient.
Micah provided Help with mac computer help for Andrew
Nov 19, 2016
I hope my suggestions were helpful. I will be here if you have more questions! =D


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Andrew's services

clean gutters
alt compet currenc, undermine dominant fiat note, stop omitting my updates simbi! being shallow now to get my credit after already having finished my profile numerous times and the save function di...

clean gutters

dehydrating of excess produce
alt compet currenc, undermine dominant fiat note, stop omitting my updates simbi! being shallow now to get my credit after already having finished my profile numerous times and the save function di...

dehydrating of excess produce

deliver free plants within 15 miles
alt compet currenc, undermine dominant fiat note, stop omitting my updates simbi! being shallow now to get my credit after already having finished my profile numerous times and the save function di...

deliver free plants within 15 miles

About Andrew Pender

• hacked accounts. why not hack to eliminate student debt? jesus already hacked it. or because it's unethical to neglect to pay what you owe whether or not the creditor can remember. as long as you w...ere benefitted and not scammed by a worthless degree. • too accustomed to misinterpreting subtle for spiritual and worshiping that without your consent, permission or authority just licentiously doing it despite your wishes against and only because your complacent custom has grown used to tolerating it… as the government branch of society gives the wife rights and so you have to face off with the government if you are to reel her back under control. (either the g'ment reassign rights to you as power of attorney or they are to be held responsible for the necessary controls on the person so empowered by that claim to rights that most people will respect out of disinterest in being stifled by the g'ment's prosecution for violation of them, even when their own are stifled without their knowledge by the unequal encroachment by the person say a woman who looks around at all the other properties while not letting the owners look at her. though i don't look at them any more than necessary to establish a sense of security. naturally an anxious person would do inventory of her environment to pursue better coherency/harmony of elements present. still doesn't make sense that an outsider have a better assessment of what is on/in a piece of land or object than the proprietor. that's how subtle possessions take place. where there is a secondary proprietor who operates behind the scenes with intimate knowledge of the nature of the possessed object. and similar to a remote control can assert manipulative influence such as by predictive expectation that with certain harassing influences a certain response will come out. however that predictive model can not foresee the armament of the respondent coming out with a vengeance or an opportunity. so a standing government or social code to prevent such harassment as parking with a stereo blasting your acoustical assault in a person or building's direction. or prosecute anyone who does so that even if a person comes out mad with a weapon the perp is already getting arrested so the retaliating victim just helps ensure capture by aiding the forces there to suppress and retrieve damage awards to atone for the disturbance to the piece wrought by the malicious and unbeneficial action exemplified by a stereo but then so also a machine running making noise or a party making the same music. at least the party has people to justify better. because their gathered together status means there are spaces where they came from that can vacuum up riff raff from the areas they are partying. leaving them with work to do when they return home if not to be homeless disposed at which point they become in need of assimilating as they purged the excess claims on a place as they party in celebration of arriving at their new home and send those claims to the previous place. only fair that the local inhabitants nearby understand that fair game and transfer their claims conveniently to the previous place that is undefended so that the power vacuum doesn't draw people from other countries or farther away when actually it is only meant to be a temporary toleration and the nice backed off allowance isn't to go on by necessity by there being new squatters in the previous place the partiers came from.) • that the most efficient path from a to b is to just flow there like water. but we have bones and muscles to force our way uphills and against obstacles. so the simple algorithm is similar to swimming. karate chopping. hamsa swan swimming through the distance between your destination(s) from origin. chop jungle growth to make your path. brush aside your hurdles. why run over hurdles if you can just run around them? why run in circles anyway? hurdle race is a game example and the rules require excluding detours from your path more

Open to other proposals
Andrew Pender is looking for:
  • Just for Fun
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