Nutritionist / Cooking healthy
I'm looking to get healthy. I am on an extremely limited budget and I can't afford lots of healthy things like purchasing things from Whole Foods or having a gym membership. I do, however, have an interest in yoga and a treadmill. I want to learn how to cut what foods out of my diet based on what is making me gain so much weight. I don't eat much at all, I barely eat anything, and I have already cut caffeine completely out of my system (I only drink water and clear sodas like 7Up now). Hoping for some advice like a set of recipes to help me lose some weight, as well as staying under a certain budget. I'd like to, ideally, meet up with or speak with someone once per month for the next six months to see what I can do to get better (exercising and eating right). I've set the quota at 6 times in an effort to establish a relationship of 6 months and meet once a month. I've set the cost at 120 simbi to offer 20 simbi per appointment, this is obviously negotiable depending on the services provided, and what you feel it is worth.