Hey, I'm Alyssa!
Virginia Beach VA | Member since October 2016
About Alyssa Trevino
Can offer:
-Art, writing, and photography advice. Experience: 16 yrs. Certs in graphic arts, photography and advertisment.
-Meditation advice. Experience: 10m
-Cooking advice: experience: 18yrs
-Baking advice: Experience: 18yrs
-Recepies: 20yrs- 3 generations old.
-Spiritual advice: Experience: 2m
-Life advice; a helping hand; an outside opinion looking in. Experience: 21yrs
-Reiki sessions and teaching: levels 1, 2 and master level certified.
I am flexible on trading or using simbi. I think we could all help each other in an incredible way!
Alyssa Trevino's Services
Services Alyssa Trevino is looking for:
- Just for Fun
- Cheap & Easy
- Fun & Quirky
- Children's Activities
- Children's Lessons
- Children
- Handyman services
- Electrical
- Auto Maintenance
- Maintenance
- Language Lessons
- Art Lessons
- Classes & Webcasts
- Tutoring & Mentoring
- Learning
- Home
- Experiences
- Life Coaching
- Healing Arts
- Yoga
- Art & Design