1h Dance lesson
This service is for 1h of dance instruction.
You can pick from the following types of styles:
Beginning ballet
Beginning and intermediate hip hop
Basic Ballroom Steps (Swing, Salsa, Tango, Fox Trot, Walz, Rhumba)
I also have some experience with modern, lyrical, baroque, contra dancing, musical theater dance and irish dance, but am not as comfortable teaching these styles. However I am certainly willing to brush up on my knowledge if this is something you would like to learn.
I have a little dance floor in my dining room, so I can teach here at my house or anywhere with a smooth floored room that is big enough to accomodate a few people. Classes will start with a warmup and some mobility excersises, after which we will work on tecnique and then finish up with some excersises and a little cool down
Training & Qualifications
I am a dance instructor for south suburban parks and recreation, where I teach ballet, hip hop and ballroom basics.
I have a certificate in performing arts from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA).
Availability & Preferences
Sundays, Mondays, Tuesday-Friday after 7pm and Saturday from 10-1