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Hey, I'm Alexandra!
Medford OR | Member since September 2017
Alexandra Wilson-Ali's Services
Linda received session of Energy work from Alexandra
Sep 19, 2017
I had heard of EFT but was not familiar with the details of how a session would go or what I would experience. Because I live in another state, our se...ssion was via Skype. Going in, I knew I wanted to see real results, but I was a little apprehensive since I didn’t know exactly what I was getting into. Alexandra’s approach in explaining what we would be doing and leading me through the process was gentle and more effective than I could have ever expected. Once I surrendered to the experience, I felt immense relief and release. I have always had a hard time fully immersing myself in situations where I may feel vulnerable or exposed. Alexandra never made me feel that way and instead took me through a process that made me feel safe and empowered, and left me feeling energized and peaceful. The experience was absolutely life changing and I am forever grateful for it. I am definitely sold on EFT! Thank you for bringing it into my life, Alexandra!show more