Precise, tailored writing, exactly!
If you are a student, please tell me at the beginning of our collaboration what grade level you truly desire in the course we are discussing. You will receive the grade in the course you name. You will receive a substantial refund if you don’t. Be cautious regarding going from a lifetime of Ds to suddenly submitting A+ caliber work. It can be done, but carefully weigh your risk tolerance.
I can create virtually any written content in English prose. You pick the mood, perspective, or theme. If you want foreign language(s) or poetry excerpts inserted that’s extra.
I charge based solely on word-count, material complexity, and external tasks such as whether I will need to do significant research to write the piece you require.
I will freely provide as many revisions you desire, should there be any technical flaw or typo in the work I create for you.
Training & Qualifications
University degree in Analytic Philosophy.
Published author.
Scored perfect 800 on SAT verbal, 1st try, with time to spare
Editor for a political campaign (nonpartisan) in the last cycle. Editor of all online content. My candidate defeated the multi-term incumbent.
Availability & Preferences
Afternoons and evenings are best, though I can pull an occasional early bird.