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Hey, I'm Abdullah!
Independence KS | Member since July 2019
Abdullah soliman's Services
Dragonfly provided session of RELATIONSHIFT: RELATIONSHIP ALCHEMY for Abdullah
May 29, 2020
abudllah seems like a very nice person based on our written correspondence. unfortunately, he did not show up for our zoom meeting, but i was still ab...le to send him links to recommended resources that i hope will help. show more
Anami provided unit of Intuitively Name You for Abdullah
Apr 01, 2020
I appreciate your communication and kindness. Thank you
Maria provided unit of Simbi 101 - How to get started FREE for Abdullah
Aug 11, 2019
I hope you enjoy the information
Maria provided unit of Fireworks - celebrate all occasions for Abdullah
Jul 10, 2019
Thank you for the compliment! I am glad you enjoy the recording.