Daily Mindset Checklist and Planner
These are printable daily checklist and planner pages to manage and monitor your daily mindset habits and help achieve your goals.
Just download, print, and get started now!
🎁 Your purchase includes...
• Letter-sized printout pages.
• Checklist with Colorful Background.
• Planner Sheet with Colorful Background.
• Checklist with White Background.
• Planner Sheet with White Background.
• Perfect for personal use, or use with friends or clients!
• Print as many pages as you need.
• Print from your home printer or send to a print shop.
~*~ * ~*~
Text and colors that are part of the design CAN NOT be altered.
~*~ * ~*~
🖨 How to download, open and print these PDF files on your computer:
• Once your purchase is confirmed, I will email the file to you so you can download these digital items via the link provided.
• No printed materials or physical products will be shipped.
~*~ * ~*~
This item is for personal use and cannot be resold, redistributed, or used for any commercial purposes.
Want more digital products to organize your life and business? Feel free to check out my new shop at https://www.etsy.com/shop/REDarbyDigital !📝
Training & Qualifications
Hi! Nice to meet you!
I'm Rashida, a focused, communicative, organized, and tech-savvy, Virtual Assistant with 5 years of experience in clerical and administrative duties providing clients with superb data entry, calendar management, and customer service skills as well as other quality administrative support services. I stay dedicated to improving accuracy and efficiency by maintaining and developing administrative and procedural processes.
𝗜̲ 𝗼̲𝗳̲𝗳̲𝗲̲𝗿̲ 𝘁̲𝗵̲𝗲̲ 𝗳̲𝗼̲𝗹̲𝗹̲𝗼̲𝘄̲𝗶̲𝗻̲𝗴̲ 𝘀̲𝗲̲𝗿̲𝘃̲𝗶̲𝗰̲𝗲̲𝘀̲ :̲
✏️ Email Management (Sorting, Responding, Drafting, Etc.)
✏️ Calendaring (Scheduling, Planning, Outreach, Booking)
✏️ Personal Assistant Services (Shopping, Invitations, Research, Etc.)
✏️ Document Creation and Conversion (PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Google Suite, Etc.)
✏️ Web-based Customer Support (Email, Chat)
✏️ Data Entry (Excel, Google Sheets, Saas Platforms, Etc.)
✏️ Copywriting (Website Content, Blog Posts, eBooks, Etc.)
✏️ WordPress (Layouts, Plug-Ins, Copy, Etc.)
✏️ Graphic Design (Cropping, Filters, Touch-Ups, Social Media/Website Assets, Etc.)
✏️ Voice Overs (Videos, PowerPoint Presentations, Etc.)
✏️ Online Research
𝘈𝘯𝘥, 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦! ✨
𝗠̲𝘆̲ 𝗣̲𝗲̲𝗿̲𝗸̲𝘀̲ :̲
⭐️ US-born, native American English-Speaker
⭐️ Certification in Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship
⭐️ Certification in Microsoft Office Suite, and Office Communication Etiquette
⭐️ Bachelor of Science degree in Business
⭐️ Eager and Quick to Learn New Systems and Software
⭐️ Well-Cultured, Knowledgable, and Multi-faceted
⭐️ Communicative and Friendly
⭐️ Flexible Hours and Fast Turn-Around Time
Want to hire me for official services? Feel free to contact me via http://redarby.com/contact ! 📧
Availability & Preferences
* I will send out digital download products once per week, so please allow up to 7 days for delivery.
* No, I am not offering my administrative services via Simbi at this time.