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Custom essential oil products


175 per unit - - Posted Dec 07, 2017

I will come up with custom essential oil combos for you or your business. The service will be a maximum of 4 different formulas mixed with olive oil. Olive oil helps with decreasing inflammation. I will give you four 2 ounce Essential oil combos mixed with olive oil in glass containers. The essential oil products can be 4 or less combos from 2 to 5 percent essential oils. The mixtures can address many ailments like colds, pain, restlessness, lack of sleep or energy. They can remind you of home, someone you know or paradise. They can be used for massage or air freshners.

Training & Qualifications

I have a massage certificate with emphasis in spa from everest college in vancouver,wa I had an essential oil and massage business for 2 years. I have come up with 20 different tested mixtures. I tested them on my patients,friends, and fellow students.

Availability & Preferences

All days.

Trading Preference: I’m flexible, just hit me up!

Reviews of Thomas

Nov 09, 2019
Smells beautiful and he provided quite the big jar! Very happy. :)
Feb 01, 2018
Great oils, super cute little jars and they smell amazing! can't wait to use.
Dec 23, 2017
Quality essential oils! but one jar opened up in the box... lol Thomas has integrity and shipped the product on time! Good doing business with him and... look forward to future more
Jan 02, 2018
Thomas made me an essential oil product super fast. He shipped it right away. Haven't used it yet, but smells very nice
Dec 27, 2017
Great essential oil blending! What an awesome trade!
Dec 05, 2020
I love it
Maria sold 10 Random DVDs incl. shipping to Thomas
Dec 02, 2020
Glad you like them.
Nov 19, 2020
It’s the little things!! Happy Holidays Thomas!!
Maria provided unit of FREE MONEY - find unclaimed money for Thomas
Oct 11, 2020
I hope you were able to use the information.
Sep 21, 2020
Thanks for the information


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Thomas's other services

Cocktail recipes
I am excited to use my expertise and life skills to help everyone and the environment.

Cocktail recipes

Enchilada sauce recipe no salt
I am excited to use my expertise and life skills to help everyone and the environment.

Enchilada sauce recipe no salt

My  recipe for lasagna
I am excited to use my expertise and life skills to help everyone and the environment.

My recipe for lasagna

Thomas's requests

Thomas is requesting
headshots videos
modeling agencies headshot quality videos

I am excited to use my expertise and life skills to help everyone and the environment.

About Thomas Aukland

I have a in biology. I have a massage certificate with a minor in spa. The spa minor taught me how to make essential oils blended with olive oil. I have been a tutor in spanish, math, biology,... and english. I have food quality assurance experience. In high school I was a wrestler and a soccer player. I have been a soccer and a wrestling referee. I have been drinking tea for most of my life. I have blended teas for 2 years now. I use fair trade organic teas in my blends. I have lived in Portland,OR for twenty years. I have thought about leaving portland but no other city sounds as good as portland. I love to blues dance. I read fantasy and science fiction. I do a lot of cooking. I like to take ingredient labels from certain products and come up with my recipe with twists. THe recipes were my secret but now are not. Shoot me a simbi mail and I may even make the product for you instead of the recipeshow more

Open to other proposals
Thomas Aukland is looking for:
  • Fun & Quirky
  • Cheap & Easy
  • Hair styling
  • Website Consulting
  • Fresh Produce
  • Friendship/Listening
  • Tours & Excursions
  • Experiences
  • Adventure
  • Counseling & Therapy
  • Healing Arts
  • Chiropractic
  • Massage
  • Acupuncture
  • Sports Coaching
  • Dance
  • Fitness