Hey, I'm Vanessa!
Niceville FL | Member since November 2017
About Vanessa Feigel
Hi there! I'm Vanessa and I live in the Florida panhandle. I'm a military wife with a lot of moving and traveling experiences: DC, Colorado, the UK, Texas, and Florida so far! I love the chance to travel and live in places I would not otherwise have the opportunity to see. In addition to spending time with my husband, cat, and dog, I enjoy developing my hobbies in the lapidary arts (wire wrapping, cabbing, rock hounding), as well as acrylic painting, crocheting, and constructing 3D art from discarded objects. I talk to plants and love learning how to use their medicine in natural products and making my own. My interests are all over the place; I love learning about history, languages, and other cultures. I'm fascinated with theology and world religions, and through my studies I've experienced a spiritual awakening that's opened a door to the metaphysical world. I'm so grateful for this added level of awareness of the light in all beings! Although I don't yet know how all the ways it will manifest in the physical realm, I do know that my purpose is to love. Love, light, and blessings to you!
Services Vanessa Feigel is looking for:
- Pets
- Dogwalking
- Petsitting
- Hair styling
- Language Lessons
- Learning
- Art Lessons
- Music Lessons
- Religion
- Classes & Webcasts
- Tutoring & Mentoring
- Fresh Produce
- Cooking
- Dietary Counselling
- Food
- Cleaning
- Home
- Housesitting
- Gardening
- Friendship/Listening
- Tours & Excursions
- Experiences
- Travel
- New Age
- Adventure
- Life Coaching
- Healing Arts
- Chiropractic
- Massage
- Wellness
- Acupuncture
- Personal Training
- Yoga