Hey, I'm Tony!
Chicago IL | Member since January 2018
About Tony Brown
My Pedigree; I served three rewarding apprenticeships one in painting/decorating/wallpaper hanging Painters Local Union 521 * District Council # 14 and two in cabinet-making one with awesome Master Wood Worker /Master Carpenter and Mennonite Kenny G. and wonderful human being (they don`t make them any better than you) David W.( scientific glass- blower ie fancy flasks but made a bundle of $ blowing whimisical glass animals in Bar Harbor, Maine) and cabinet-maker I had a chance to study glass-blowing with him but my friend was fast burning out on big city life. I flunkied for a Plumber/ Jack of all Trades & Shyster Joe R. ( one of his several alias) for 4 years unfortunately he kept trying to take an apprenticeship fee out of my weekly pay by short paying me each week I learned tons about the trades from the guy and really should have paid him. I parlayed these gifts into becoming a Punch- List Specialist which is basically a glorified handy-man. But contractors don`t get a final check until everything passes inspection on the final walk thru. I farmed myself out to a half dozen Union Contractors. Lots of Commercial Work O`hare etc and lots of time working Northshore which I Love. Seymour & Beautiful Esther Fleishmann R.I.P. (Seymour was a Cartoonist for Playboy) Esther ( was as royal as her namesake the purple merchant) kept reminding me I had a keen eye for details especially finishing. Which is the pride of my jewelry work.I met the very Regal Mrs. Friedmann who owns some very swank diamond parlors , a few years ago who encouraged me so so much, forget about the uber high bench-mark her ultra sophisticated designers set for me .$1000 Peruvian Opal earrings and all. I tried to suck up as much luxury I could at her posh shop to the chagrine of one her snootiest customers. * now defunct.