Hey, I'm Tiffany!
Staten Island NY | Member since December 2017
About Tiffany Welch, LMT
Offering supremely relaxing, safe, and unique bodywork by appointment that is tailored to each individual soul that I work with. Here at Haven, I pride myself on offering a warm, non-judgmental & secure sanctuary that serves to heal the client in body, mind and spirit. As I continue my own journey toward betterment & expanding the ways that I am able to help others, I am also currently attending college as I work toward earning my degree in registered nursing.
Rather than traditional deep tissue work, I specialize in integrative massage centered around my two favorite (and most soothing) modalities: Swedish & Connective Tissue Therapy (a.k.a CTT). It is this particular combination of modalities that I fell in love with in school and continue to gravitate toward to this day, both in regards to what I utilize with clients as well as to what I request when I receive bodywork myself. I find that Connective Tissue Therapy in particular not only effectively treats tense, tired, constricted muscles/fascia, but also tends to promote an incredibly deep state of relaxation. In addition, I am now trained in and offering Traditional Eastern Cupping to help relieve stubborn pain due to chronic tension or nerve entrapment (this is especially helpful in sciatic or IT Band issues, but is wonderful for ALL severely tense/impinged areas that don't respond to traditional massage). Due to the fact that it is essentially a "reverse massage" that pulls tissue AWAY from the skeletal system, it can also be safely used on areas where the pressure of massage could be contraindicated (such as over bony locations like the transverse processes of the spinal column).
I love working with all ages, genders & body types, but find it particularly rewarding to work with clients struggling with chronic pain, body issues, past trauma, PTSD, depression, or issues with anxiety/panic.
Come find YOUR comfort here at Haven Massage💙