Hey, I'm Teré!
White Hall WV | Member since December 2024
About Teré Foster
My name is Teré Foster. Teré is the first four letters of Teresa, my given name on my birth certificate.
I am a mother of five adult children. I had all five births at home. My favorite food is sushi. My favorite music to dance to is funk. My favorite songs at karaoke are Whitney Houston. My favorite topic of conversation is self development and life purpose. I am an avid gardener and home food producer and prepper. Now that I am implementing my life purpose, I spend all my time planning projects called ARC7 Arcology to eradicate poverty and reach financial freedom, while also creating an active and healthy lifestyle of connection, adventure, and sustainability.
Teré Foster's Services
Teré Foster's Products
Services Teré Foster is looking for:
- Digital Marketing
- Website Consulting
- Web/Software Development
- Virtual Assistant
- Writing & Editing
- Consulting & Coaching
- Business
- Administration
- Event Planning
- Marketing
- Legal
- Accounting & Bookkeeping