Hey, I'm Shail!
Durham NC | Member since May 2018
About Shail Shah
Junior Android Engineer and Oracle Certified Java Developer. Developing apps and side projects are my general hobby. Algorithms problems are to me like Sudoku is to my grandmother;). I love working with people to do things bigger than I could accomplish alone. I’m motivated by big problems, and I think you’ve got some here that I can help solve.
My Technical Knowledge:
Languages: Java, JavaScript, Kotlin(Intermediate), Swift(Intermediate), SQL.
Database: MYSQL,MSSQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Sqlite
Android Libraries: GooglePlayServives, Dagger 2.8, Retrofit, Picasso, RxJava, Gson, okHttp
Web Technologies & Frameworks: JSON, HTML5,CSS3, ASP.net, MVC, Git, GitHub
GitHub Link: https://github.com/shahshail
Google Play Store Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Shail+C+Shah