Hey, I'm Rebecca!
Mesquite TX | Member since May 2017
About Rebecca Landry
I have experience working in a Corporate Childcare setting, as well as in an Independent School District, and In-Home Childcare. I have had experience working with Special Needs individuals through Plano ISD as well as through volunteering with Special Olympics of Allen. I have also worked as an associate at Plano Florist where I have learned Customer Service skills, Professional Phone Ettiquite, Organizational Skills, Proper and Appropriate proccessing of Inventory, Training Techniques, Flexibility and Fast learning actions with Computer Systems, Point of Sale Processes, Marketing Skills, Creative Design, and Delivery Skills. After being with this company for 6 years I have learned the benefits of company loyalty and learned how to be a vigilant and professional employee. Although this job is not in my field of choice it has motivated me to strive for my goals and keep pushing forward. It is my overall goal to continue my education and work towards owning my own Speech Therapy Company, specializing in therapy for chikdren with speech impediments from complications with Cleft Palate, Downsyndrome, Cerebal-Palsy, Autism, and other cognitive Disorders that effect Children. After my next three semesters at University of Texas at Dallas I will receive my Bachelors in Speech and Language Pathology. From there I plan on continuing my Education and getting a Masters in Communication Sciences.
Rebecca Landry's Services
Services Rebecca Landry is looking for:
- Experiences
- Learning
- Art & Design