Hey, I'm Rachel!
San Juan San Juan | Member since November 2017
About Rachel Toering
**English below**
Me encanta sembrar, construir, sea en terminos literales o en terminos de comunidad. Mi huerto es mi felicidad y los grupos comunitarios son mi mayor inversion de tiempo. Tambien me encanta pasar en el campo y hacer hiking, kayaking, cualquier cosa monte adentro. He sido voluntaria con Habit for Humanity, y con buenas instrucciones puedo ayudar en proyectos de reconstruccion. En estos momentos, me parece que lo mas importante que puedo aportar es a la reconstruir justa de Puerto Rico, una isla llena de gente capaz y digna que aparte de un desastre natural, tambien enfrenta los buitres oportunistas que buscan saquear. Ahora es el momento de proyectos como Simbi, una economia basada en la gente, en nuestra capacidad, y aportando lo que podemos. Cuentan conmigo para manos para trabajar y espiritu de colaboracion.
I love to garden, to build, either literally or figuratively in terms of community. My garden is my joy and community group are my greatest time investment. I also love to be in the country and do hiking, kayaking or anything off the beaten path. I have been a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, and with good instructions I can help in reconstruction projects. In these moments, I think the most important contribution I can make is to a just reconstruction for Puerto Rico, an island full of capable and dignified people that besides suffering an natural disaster, are also up against opportunistic vultures that are looking to loot. Now is the moment for Simbi, an economy based on people, on our capacity, and doing what we can. Count on me for hands willing to work, and a collaborative spirit.
Rachel Toering's Services
Services Rachel Toering is looking for:
- Electrical
- Dogwalking
- Petsitting
- Skincare
- Nailcare
- Graphic Design
- Fresh Produce
- Legal
- Accounting & Bookkeeping
- Cleaning
- Acupuncture
- Yoga
- Fitness
- Music & Audio
- Art & Design
- Architectural Design