Acting/Business of Acting Coaching
Hello -- Interested in acting in theater, film, or TV? I can serve as an acting coach or teach you the skills to pursue a career in the performing arts. Theater/film, etc resumes are different than business resumes. Did you know that? Do you know how to find legimate auditions, agents, or classes? I can teach you. If you need help with an audition or role, my 30 years of professional experience are at your disposal.
I work with all ages. (I work at a church and a private school as well, so I have passed rigorous background checks.)
Some work -- like resume and acting-business coaching -- can be done virtually. Acting coaching cannot.
Training & Qualifications
30 years of professional experience from Summer Stock, to commercials, to SNL.
Availability & Preferences
I am available on weekends, Tuesday & Wednesday Evenings, and occasionally available during the day on Thursday's.