25 per session - - Posted Jul 29, 2016
Pretty much anything around the house. For example:
Installations/replacements of broken items
Training & Qualifications
Acted as handyman for FBC Menlo Park for 7 years
Reviews of Nicholas
Ian received session of Weapons training from Nicholas
Aug 17, 2016
Nicholas was a great instructor and gave me great pointers on how to be a better shooter. Had lots of fun and got insight on what I need to work on. H...ighly recommend going to the range with Nick!show more
KJ provided session of Interior Design Consultation for Nicholas
Aug 09, 2016
I love Nick! He's the best. So great to work with, smart, fun, interesting -- and a great listener. Really enjoyed seeing his new apartment, meeting h...is roommate, and coming up with a basic interior design plan. show more
KJ received session of Dog Training from Nicholas
Jul 29, 2016
The hour I spent with Nick learning about how to train my puppy is probably one of the most highly-leveraged hours of my year! I learned so much from ...him, from the tactical to the strategic to the philosophical. I already feel so much more confident and excited about guiding my dog. It's true what they say -- dog training is really human training! show more