Online Person Investigation
Have you ever wondered what kind of information there is about you on the internet? Have you lost someone you would like to reunite with? Are you dating someone and they seem just a little fishy?
I will perform an online investigation on you another. On someone else: To prevent relationship fraud or find a missing person. On you: to find weaknesses in your online security and privacy. All methods used are open-source (things anyone can do). No intrusive or illegal methods such as hacking or social engineering will be used. Contact will not be made with the subject during the investigation.
If the subject is you, I will provide a detailed .pdf report of the information I found, where I found it, and any steps you can take to prevent it from falling into the hands of stalkers or identity thieves.
If the subject is another person, I will only answer general questions. I will not provide any detailed information that can be used to harm or harass another. If you wish to make contact with that person, such as an estranged relative, consent will be sought from the subject before information is released.
I give no guarantee that an investigation will lead to success. I only guarantee that I will use every resource I have available to reasonably fulfill the request. In the case of privacy, sometimes no news is good news.
Training & Qualifications
Licensed and insured private investigation and guard agency with a certificate in investigations from University of Washington. Expert in open-source intelligence gathering (OSINT) and physical security.
Availability & Preferences
Tuesday, wednesday